The Application Process

Application Process

To make sure we’re getting the best applicants you must pass a number of exams and screenings. The full process to become a Deputy Sheriff Trainee can average between six and nine months.  The process can be shorter or longer, depending on the applicant.

Your path to success starts here:

  1. Complete and submit an online application and Supplemental Questionnaire.
  2. Take the Multiple Choice exam on one of our many testing dates. If you receive a passing score, you immediately advance to take the Validated Physical Ability Test.
  3. Take the Validated Physical Ability Test (VPAT).
  4. Complete the Structured Interview.
  5. Complete and submit a Web Personal History Statement (WEBPHS) online and upload Notarized Waiver.
  6. You will be assigned a Background Investigator, who will conduct a thorough background investigation.  This will include a Polygraph Examination.
  7. Schedule and complete a Jail tour and patrol station ride-along.
  8. Your completed background case will be submitted for an Administrative Review.
  9. Complete a psychological evaluation and medical examination.
  10. Pre-Academy Consultation, prior to the start of the Academy.
  11. Attend the POST certified 22-week Academy at one of our  locations: Whittier or Valencia.

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