This is an archive of under Sheriff 33 Alex Villanueva. Click here for more.

On Site Visitor Covid Testing
Anyone is able to get a COVID-19 test, and you must have an internet capable phone to register on site. There are no other options to register at this time. Proof of insurance is required to receive the test free of cost. If someone does not have insurance, the fee is $30. Only Debit Cards are accepted. (No credit card or cash). Rapid and PCR tests are available.
Testing sites will be available at LASD Custody Visiting Centers. Results will take approximately 15 minutes.
- Men’s Central Jail (MCJ) open seven (7) days a week. Monday through Friday, 0930 to 1700 hours. Saturday and Sunday, 0700 to 1400 hours.
- Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF),
- Pitchess Detention Center (PDC)
Reminder, if you need to be tested before your visit:
- Please allow sufficient time before your check in time at Men’s Central Jail before your appointment, minimum sixty (60) minutes check in process.
- All other visiting locations, please arrive at least thirty (30) minutes prior to start time.