This is an archive of under Sheriff 33 Alex Villanueva. Click here for more.

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Sheriff 33 archive
Sheriff 33 archive 800 170 SIB Staff

This is an archive of This is historical, archived material from the administration of the 33rd Sheriff of Los Angeles County, Alex Villanueva. The website is no longer updated and…

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a couple is shopping online, they are sitting on a couch both using a computer. the camera is looking at the computer and keyboard, the wife is holding the credit card and the husband is navigating on the keyboard.
Holiday Shopping Safety Tips
Holiday Shopping Safety Tips 900 900 SIB Staff

This Thanksgiving weekend is the start of the holiday shopping season. Black Friday and Cyber Monday provide an opportunity for consumers to find a great deal. In order to help…

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Sheriff addresses Several Areas of Public Interest
Sheriff addresses Several Areas of Public Interest 1024 512 SIB Staff

Sheriff Alex Villanueva Addresses Several Areas of Current Public Interest On Tuesday, November 15, 2022, Sheriff Alex Villanueva held a press conference to address several areas of current public interest.…

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