As homicides continued to rise, the Board of Supervisors voted to require all Los Angeles County employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or face discipline, up to and including termination.
The Board’s vaccination mandate is causing a mass exodus within the Department, which is an absolutely absurd result. I have repeatedly stated the dangers to public safety when 20%-30% of my workforce is no longer available to provide service, and those dangers are quickly becoming a reality. We are experiencing an increase in unscheduled retirements, worker compensation claims, employees quitting, and a reduction in qualified applicants. As a result, homicide rates will continue to rise, response times will increase, solve rates will diminish, arrests will decline, patrol services will significantly decline, and patrol stations will close.
A large part of our workforce who is close to retirement finds it easier to simply retire, than be forced into a decision which should be a personal choice. Other personnel who were called “heroes” for diligently working in service to the community during the pandemic, while other professions stayed home, have decided to finally get those surgeries they have been putting off for injuries sustained throughout their careers (knees, shoulders, back, etc.).
This unintended consequence to public safety was predictable. In the near future, unless something changes, the “defunded” and “de-staffed” Sheriff’s Department will no longer be able to sustain the staffing levels required to maintain public safety at the status quo.
My personnel already wear masks and would submit to routine COVID-19 testing, so termination makes no sense.
Personally, I am vaccinated and believe the vaccine works, but the choice to receive the vaccine is a personal one, and an individual who served the community tirelessly before there was a vaccine should not now be fired because they made a decision about their own body.
If you have an opinion on this matter, please call the Board of Supervisors and voice it. With the pandemic diminishing, there is no justification for the Board mandate; it is like putting up the storm windows after the storm has passed.
In Los Angeles County we have a Board of Supervisors who repeatedly call to empty the jails and release felons back onto the streets; a District Attorney who refuses to prosecute many misdemeanors and has effectively de-criminalized a myriad of crimes through his special directives; a homeless problem in excess of 80K which continues to grow without solutions; a 54% increase in homicides; and all this occurred as LASD was defunded and stripped of 1,400 positions.
These reckless actions in the name of “woke-ism” have real-world consequences and public safety continues to suffer as a result. Continuing to defund LASD when there is a $2 billion surplus forces us to make tough choices regarding the allocation of resources. When a decision must be made between responding to a violent felony in progress or serving as the “vaccine mandate police,” the choice is simple.
The Department will continue requiring all of our employees to register with the Fulgent system but will only seek voluntary compliance and testing for the unvaccinated.
August 25, 2021
Personally, I have received the COVID vaccination, and I encourage others to become vaccinated. I also respect the individual rights of others to make decisions about their own bodies. Considering recent countywide directives being discussed related to mandatory vaccinations, under the threat of discipline or termination, I must state my belief this is a labor issue which must be worked out between the unions and the County Board of Supervisors.
As this issue is worked out by all involved parties, I want to reassure Department personnel NO ACTION will be imposed prior to completion of the meet and consult process.
Once this issue has been through the entire legal process, if there were ever policies regarding vaccination status which could result in discipline, the implementation of such policies would start from the top of the executive staff down. I look forward to seeing this issue resolved in a manner consistent with labor laws, the Constitution of the State of California, and the Constitution of the United States of America.
LA County Health Officer order to mask while indoors StaffSIB Staff
July 16, 2021
Forcing the vaccinated and those who already contracted COVID-19 to wear masks indoors is not backed by science and contradicts the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) has authority to enforce the order, but the underfunded/defunded Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will not expend our limited resources and instead ask for voluntary compliance. We encourage the DPH to work collaboratively with the Board of Supervisors and law enforcement to establish mandates that are both achievable and supported by science.
Reopening of Jail Visitations at CRDF StaffSIB Staff
Update: LASD has expanded visitation to all facilities starting Saturday, June 5, 2021. More information here.
LASD values the importance of visitation, and its role in family connectedness during this difficult time.
We are excited to announce the phased reopening of jail visitation commencing on Mother’s Day weekend (May 8th and 9th) at Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).
All other facilities are expected to reopen by the first week of June. The Department will also be offering free vaccinations on Saturday, May 8th from 9am to 12pm at CRDF.
Visitation Requirements:
• All visits must be scheduled in advanced. There will be no walk-in appointment allowed or scheduled at facilities. • Visitors will be screened for symptoms, such as fever, cough, or loss of taste. Visitors will be turned away if they have symptoms or are under quarantine or isolation orders. • Visitors must wear a mask at all times and maintain at least six feet of distance, or they will be asked to leave. • Only one adult visitor OR one adult with one child will be allowed. If more people show up, the entire visit will be canceled for everyone. • Visitors subject to a quarantine or isolation order will have their appointment canceled. • Visitors will have to show proof of a full COVID vaccination i, a negative COVID test within the last three days ii, or proof of previous infection iii. Otherwise, the visit will be canceled.
UPDATE: Great News, LASD’s Operation Homebound has resumed!
On January 7, 2021, Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva put “Operation Homebound” into motion. A program designed to vaccinate the most underrepresented, homebound, and underserved disabled residents in our communities, including those experiencing homelessness.
We are administering the Johnson & Johnson (1 shot only) vaccine utilizing our deputy sheriff personnel who are certified paramedics and emergency medical technicians. LASD is working with local community based organizations like “Integrated Community Collaborative” and “Disability Voices United” to connect with LA County residents most in need, go to their residences, and provide them this life-saving opportunity.
If you fall into this category and need our help, please contact your local Sheriff’s patrol station, or send an email to the Sheriffs Information Bureau at or call (213) 229-1700, to receive more information about #OperationHomebound.
Welfare Checks
Are you concerned about a home bound family member, neighbor or friend who is either elderly or at risk during the face of this pandemic and you live in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department jurisdiction? We can help you by conducting a welfare check.
A “welfare check” is the term The Sheriff’s Department has for conducting a safety and wellness check of a person if you have not heard from or seen in a reasonable amount of time.
If you believe a loved one may be at risk or know someone who may not have the resources to get their essential needs such as groceries, medical prescriptions or mental assistance please locate the information for your nearest Sheriff’s Station by visiting
When you call the station, a dispatcher will enter a call for service and deputies on patrol will drive to your loved ones home and attempt to make contact.
Examples of high-risk persons include the elderly community or those who suffer from blood disorders, chronic liver disease, compromised immune system, current or recent pregnancy, metabolic disorder, heart disease, lung disease, or neurological conditions. Remember we are all in this together this service has always been provided to the communities we serve, however it is even more vital today. It can save lives and offer peace of mind for the requestor.
We are all in this together, and LA isn’t LA without all of us. Stay Safer at home, and do your part to flatten the curve. For up to date information regarding #COVID19 please visit
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Continues Enforcement of Super-Spreader Events in LA County StaffSIB Staff
On Saturday, December 19, 2020, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) continued enforcement of the Los Angeles County health orders to address underground party events. The driving concern was the fact these incidents violated the Los Angeles County Health Officer Orders regarding COVID protocols, also known as a “Super Spreader Event.”
We monitored parties across Los Angeles County and the following resources were deployed:
Sheriff’s Response Team
Human Trafficking Taskforce
Operation Safe Streets Bureau
Fraud and Cyber Crime Bureau
Aero Bureau
At approximately 1045 pm, Department members responded to an underground party event in the 400 block of South Hewitt Avenue, Los Angeles. Just prior to our arrival, a shooting incident occurred within the party and two persons were shot. One of the victims was pronounced deceased. The incident occurred in Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) jurisdiction, and LAPD personnel responded to handle the investigation, while LASD personnel assisted with crowd control and crime scene containment.
At approximately 1230 am, Department personnel responded to another underground party at the 1900 block of East Rosecrans Avenue, Compton. Announcements were made and the location was secured. The results of the operation include the following:
67 Arrests
60 Adult, Misdemeanors (cite out)
6 Juvenile, Misdemeanors (cite out)
1 Possession of a firearm (Adult)
One firearm was recovered (adult arrest)
Evidence of illegal NOS usage
A third underground party in the 3600 block of Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, was monitored for a possible Department enforcement mission; however, a shooting at the location resulted in the event being shut down by LAPD personnel.
Sheriff Alex Villanueva has made it clear he will seek out and take law enforcement action against all underground party events occurring anywhere within Los Angeles County, who fall under the Health Orders of the County’s Department of Public Health. The goal of these enforcement actions is to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and the risk to our vulnerable populations. We thank the Board of Supervisors for their commitment to resource COVID-19 enforcement action (Amendment to Motion S-1, December 8, 2020)
Sheriff Villanueva Outlines Challenges in Custody Environment Amid COVID-19
Since realizing COVID-19 was underway, headed into our lives, facilities, jails, and daily operations, Sheriff Alex Villanueva directed Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department employees to take precautionary measures for everyone’s protection.
Custody is a particularly unique environment in which to take these kinds of measures. Nevertheless, with a lot of consideration, new protocols, and collaboration with medical staff, we got it done. On Monday, May 11, 2020, during one of his virtual weekly press conferences conducted at the Sherman Block Building in Monterey Park, Sheriff Alex Villanueva outlined measures used to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our jail system.
Unfortunately, through video surveillance, it was determined a group of inmates at the Pitchess Detention Center-North County Correctional Facility deliberately attempted to infect themselves with COVID-19. Multiple men were seen sipping from a single bottle of hot water for two reasons: To falsely elevate their oral temperature moments before having their temperature taken by a nurse, and to spread the potential of infection. The bottle and a secondary cup of hot water were passed among the men inside of a day room, which is a common area next to a housing area with beds, akin to the living room of a house or apartment. There was plenty of space in which to observe physical distancing, however, the men chose to interact close to each other, making their intentions obvious.
As a direct result of the behavior seen in the video, 21 men tested positive for COVID-19 within a week. A gross misunderstanding among the inmate population led many to believe that those diagnosed with COVID-19 may be released, which is untrue. Current numbers show there were a total of 4,590 inmates quarantined within the Los Angeles County jail system, 317 were isolated. Since the pandemic, we had a total of 222 positives inside the jail, 117 inmates recovered and 18 inmates released from custody after testing positive for COVID-19, but prior to meeting CDC standards for being considered fully recovered.
The Sheriff did everything possible to protect those entrusted to the care of the Department through modifying bail and booking dollar amounts, reducing our inmate population by more than 5,000 bodies, ordering COVID-19 screening at booking areas, having both staff and inmates educated about the dangers and preventative practices, directed custody personnel to implement and conduct quarantine and isolation measures, making personal protective equipment available to everyone inside our facilities, and, on Sunday, May 3, 2020, enacting a new procedure for the testing of COVID-19 for all inmates entering the jail system. So far, 682 were tested, of which 16 met with positive results. “We’ve done everything within our power to reduce or prevent the spread of COVID-19 within our jail system,” said Sheriff Villanueva.
In addition, there were 320 LASD personnel quarantined, in total, comprised of 227 sworn and 93 professional staff throughout the Department. Of those quarantined, 107 tested positive; 71 of them sworn and 36 of them professional staff. Fortunately, 927 employees returned to work, 612 of them sworn, and 315 of them professional staff.
The Sheriff outlined the decline of violent crimes, in general, by nine percent, with criminal homicides rising seven percent and rape reporting down by 29%. Property crime reduced by seven percent, and since Sunday, March 29, 2020, there were four COVID-19-related arrests and 65 citations.
If you have concerns regarding the above, share your voice. You may contact your Board of Supervisors at the below: County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors
Innovation and Fiscal Responsibility, in the Face of COVID-19 StaffSIB Staff
Innovation and Fiscal Responsibility, in the Face of COVID-19
During a virtual press conference given Monday, April 27, 2020, Sheriff Alex Villanueva was joined by Dr. Christina Ghaly, Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Service; Chief Daryl Osby, Los Angeles County Fire Department; Captain Chris Kovac, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department-Custody Support Services; and Director Wesley Grose, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department-Scientific Services Bureau.
The event was held at the COVID-19 Regional Decontamination Center, located at the first Los Angeles County custody facility built in 1963 specifically for women and named for philanthropist and women’s rights advocate, Sybil Brand. The Sybil Brand Institute, located in East Los Angeles, was innovative for its time and continues to be so, in contemporary times, as well.
Sheriff Villanueva began the conference with a reminder to continue practicing physical distancing protocols, then outlined the reflection of lowered percentages in crime statistics calculated during the COVID-19 quarantine, as compared to last year.
Because medical and public safety personnel often find themselves in positions and situations with a greater potential for exposure to COVID-19, Sheriff Villanueva collaborated with some of our county partners to create a decontamination center, from which they spoke. Captain Kovac recognized the need for such a place, in light of a world shortage of N95 masks and gowns, and counterfeit products. He questioned if it were possible to sanitize and reuse the personal protective equipment we already have. Research identified a process called Hydrogen Peroxide Vaporization, which could make cleaning and reuse of the equipment possible, and extend the life of our inventory, as well as our budget. “Innovation and fiscal responsibility,” said the Sheriff, is what we must practice.
The four-step cleaning process is conducted inside of a decontamination chamber the size of a small dishwasher. It dispenses a mist of vaporized hydrogen peroxide over the masks, eliminating 99.9% of all pathogens within a few hours, without removing any of its protective properties. A system of conditioning, gassing, dwell time, and aeration give new life to used personal protective equipment, with water and oxygen as its only byproducts.
The process was vetted by numerous studies, cited by the Centers for Disease Control, and is in motion within Los Angeles County now. It will take place around the clock and is expected to sanitize more than 30,000 masks per day. The LASD will manage the program with our stakeholders and county partners, allowing front line workers across the board to reuse the same N95 mask up to 20 times.
With prices for N95 masks fluctuating between $3.75 and $12.74 per piece, the economic impact of extending the value and life of our equipment, as opposed to additional purchasing, will certainly benefit all county agencies across the board, and ultimately save tens of millions of dollars. Decontamination costs pennies on the dollar, as opposed to the cost of continuously replenishing stock. For example, the cost of 250,000 masks at $3.75 per piece is $937,000; a $50,000 cost of putting them through 20 decontamination cycles makes their adjusted total purchase cost $987,5000. In an estimation of five million masks needed to get us through the pandemic, the savings on decontamination versus purchasing five million more new pieces would lead to a $17,762,000 savings. If the five million pieces went through 50 decontamination cycles, this would lead to a staggering $18,325,000 in savings.
The equipment used in the cleaning process was generously provided by the University of California-Los Angeles. Their dedication to helping others was articulated in a statement: “Just as others have supported UCLA’s front-line health care workers, UCLA is pleased to support the Sheriff’s Department in its important effort to establish a decontamination center for N95 masks used by first responders. UCLA is honored to make available hydrogen peroxide fogging equipment used to clean many of our research labs now idled for safety reasons because of the pandemic. We are all in this together, helping our community in a time of need. #TeamLA”
Sheriff Alex Villanueva said, “Our medical and public safety personnel place themselves in positions where the potential for catching COVID-19 is greater. It is our role as public safety leaders to do everything we can to provide our personnel with the equipment they need to do their jobs. This center will decontaminate masks around the clock. It is our expectation the center will decontaminate over 30,000 masks per day, ensuring first responders have access to what they need to protect others.”
The Sheriff also addressed the decrease of crime in the county. Violent crimes in general are down by 11%, criminal homicide by 24%, rape reporting by 33%, property crime by 9%, as well as calls for service. There were three COVID -19-related arrests and 41 citations issued since Sunday, March 29, 2020.
Personnel, of course, are also part of the communities we serve and reflect the numbers of those physically affected by the COVID-19 crisis. There were 167 sworn and 83 professional staff quarantined, 61 of whom tested positive for the affliction, and 754 who returned to work.
The inmate population is vulnerable to the daily movement and fluctuations within it, and it is under constant, protective supervision to preserve balance. The quarantine of inmates is still taking place, always on the side of caution. Whenever someone is identified as displaying symptoms, the entire dormitory is quarantined. This may cause numbers to fluctuate, however, it is conducted simply as a preventative measure. So far, 2,563 inmates were quarantined and 71 were isolated to prevent the perpetuation of disease further, among both population and staff. Of the 123 who tested positive, 31 are fully recovered.
In case you did not know, you can file a police report through our website. The Sheriff’s Online Report Tracking System (SORTS) allows you to file a specific type of crime or incident report.
Once your report is reviewed and accepted, you will receive a free copy of the approved report via email for your records. All cases filed within this system will be reviewed.
If you are a victim of any of these incidents, you can file a police report using SORTS:
Lost or stolen cell phones valued $950 or less
Lost or stolen property valued $950 or less
Vandalism, excluding graffiti, where damage is valued under $400
Theft from an unlocked vehicle valued $950 or less
Theft from an open or unsecured area valued $950 or less
Supplemental Loss Form (Must already have a LASD report number)
Department policy will dictate the level of investigation needed for the incident you report to us. A Deputy Sheriff may need to follow-up by email, telephone, or in person, if the incident requires further investigation.
If you need to file a police report, click on the link File a Report to start the process today.